12 Ismenia Munoz
Ismenia Munoz
  • Year:
  • Position:
    Center Mid
  • g
  • a
  • pts
  • gw
From Morristown, Tennessee, Ismenia attended Morristown Hamblen West High School and is majoring in Dental Hygiene at Pellissippi. She achieved First Team All-District in high school. She enjoys painting as a hobby and is the daughter of AmadorMuñoz López & Consuelo Morales De La Sanch. Her favorite athlete is Toni Kroos.
Recent games
Date Opponent Result
Aug 25 at Itawamba Community College L, 2-1
Sep 1 at Columbia State Community College
Sep 10 at Roane State Community College W, 3-0
Sep 13 Southwest Virginia
Sep 17 Motlow State T, 1-1
Sep 20 Dyersburg State Community College W, 3-0
Season Statistics
  Overall Conference
Games 1 1
Games started 1 1
Goals 0 0
Assists 0 0
Points 0 0
Shots 0 0
Shot Pct - -
Penalty kicks 0-0 0-0
Game-winning goals 0 0
Game Log - Scoring
Date Opponent Score gp gs g a pts
Aug 10 at Spartanburg Methodist   - - - - -
Aug 17 at Young Harris   - - - - -
Aug 23 at Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College L, 4-0 - - - - -
Aug 25 at Itawamba Community College L, 2-1 - - - - -
Sep 1 at Columbia State Community College   - - - - -
Sep 10 at Roane State Community College W, 3-0 - - - - -
Sep 13 Southwest Virginia   - - - - -
Sep 17 Motlow State T, 1-1 1 1 0 0 0
Sep 20 Dyersburg State Community College W, 3-0 - - - - -
Sep 24 Roane State Community College   - - - - -
Sep 29 Columbia State Community College   - - - - -
Oct 3 at Motlow State Community College   - - - - -
Oct 6 Milligan University   - - - - -
Oct 11 at Southwest Tennessee Community College   - - - - -
Oct 13 at Dyersburg State Community College   - - - - -
Oct 17 Southwest Tennessee Community College   - - - - -
Oct 20 at Regional Playoffs   - - - - -
Game Log - Shooting
Date Opponent Score gp sh sh% sog sog%
Aug 10 at Spartanburg Methodist   - - - - -
Aug 17 at Young Harris   - - - - -
Aug 23 at Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College L, 4-0 - - - - -
Aug 25 at Itawamba Community College L, 2-1 - - - - -
Sep 1 at Columbia State Community College   - - - - -
Sep 10 at Roane State Community College W, 3-0 - - - - -
Sep 13 Southwest Virginia   - - - - -
Sep 17 Motlow State T, 1-1 1 0 - 0 -
Sep 20 Dyersburg State Community College W, 3-0 - - - - -
Sep 24 Roane State Community College   - - - - -
Sep 29 Columbia State Community College   - - - - -
Oct 3 at Motlow State Community College   - - - - -
Oct 6 Milligan University   - - - - -
Oct 11 at Southwest Tennessee Community College   - - - - -
Oct 13 at Dyersburg State Community College   - - - - -
Oct 17 Southwest Tennessee Community College   - - - - -
Oct 20 at Regional Playoffs   - - - - -
Game Log - Misc.
Date Opponent Score gp yc rc pk gw
Aug 10 at Spartanburg Methodist   - - - - -
Aug 17 at Young Harris   - - - - -
Aug 23 at Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College L, 4-0 - - - - -
Aug 25 at Itawamba Community College L, 2-1 - - - - -
Sep 1 at Columbia State Community College   - - - - -
Sep 10 at Roane State Community College W, 3-0 - - - - -
Sep 13 Southwest Virginia   - - - - -
Sep 17 Motlow State T, 1-1 1 0 0 0-0 0
Sep 20 Dyersburg State Community College W, 3-0 - - - - -
Sep 24 Roane State Community College   - - - - -
Sep 29 Columbia State Community College   - - - - -
Oct 3 at Motlow State Community College   - - - - -
Oct 6 Milligan University   - - - - -
Oct 11 at Southwest Tennessee Community College   - - - - -
Oct 13 at Dyersburg State Community College   - - - - -
Oct 17 Southwest Tennessee Community College   - - - - -
Oct 20 at Regional Playoffs   - - - - -
  gp gs g a pts
Total 1 1 0 0 0
Conference 1 1 0 0 0
Exhibition - - - - 0
Home 1 1 0 0 0
Away - - - - 0
Neutral - - - - 0
Wins - - - - 0
Losses - - - - 0
September 1 1 0 0 0

Splits Stats: Season Scoring

  gp sh sh% sog sog%
Total 1 0 - 0 -
Conference 1 0 - 0 -
Exhibition - - - - -
Home 1 0 - 0 -
Away - - - - -
Neutral - - - - -
Wins - - - - -
Losses - - - - -
September 1 0 - 0 -

Splits Stats: Season Shooting

  gp yc rc pk gw
Total 1 0 0 0-0 0
Conference 1 0 0 0-0 0
Exhibition - - - 0-0 -
Home 1 0 0 0-0 0
Away - - - 0-0 -
Neutral - - - 0-0 -
Wins - - - 0-0 -
Losses - - - 0-0 -
September 1 0 0 0-0 0

Splits Stats: Season Misc.

  gp gs g/g a/g pts/g
Total 1 1 .00 .00 .00
Conference 1 1 .00 .00 .00
Exhibition - - - - -
Home 1 1 .00 .00 .00
Away - - - - -
Neutral - - - - -
Wins - - - - -
Losses - - - - -
September 1 1 .00 .00 .00

Splits Stats: Game Scoring

  gp sh/g sh%/g sog/g sog%/g
Total 1 .00 - .00 -
Conference 1 .00 - .00 -
Exhibition - - - - -
Home 1 .00 - .00 -
Away - - - - -
Neutral - - - - -
Wins - - - - -
Losses - - - - -
September 1 .00 - .00 -

Splits Stats: Game Shooting